From the course: Visio 2016 Essential Training

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Show and hide task panes

Show and hide task panes

- To help you with completing various tasks here in Visio 2016, there are a number of different task panes that we can choose to show or hide. So far, if you've been following along, we've been working with one of the task panes that's open by default: the Shapes pane over here on the left-hand side. We already know that we can alter the view of the Shapes pane by going to the ruler. When we see the double arrow with the space, we can click and drag that in. We can drag it back out if we want to. We can also use this little guy in the top right corner to collapse it, or Minimize the Shapes window or Shapes pane, as it's also referred to. Go to that arrow at the top, now, to expand it back to what it was. But we can also float it! It's docked right now to the left side of our screen by default, but go up to Shapes. When you see the four-sided arrow, click and drag. You can see how it becomes a little window that we can float around our window here, and we can even dock it to the right…
