From the course: Visio 2016 Essential Training

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Add team frames to a diagram

Add team frames to a diagram

- On occasion in organization, you may have groups of people who are working together on a project. They're part of the special team even though they don't report to the same manager. Well, in an organization chart, there is a way to show those groups of people using a team frame. That's what we are going to do in this movie using our org chart. I've added in the names and the titles for the remaining shapes in this org chart except for the vacant position. Alright next, we are going to zoom out. I am going to click the button to fit page to the current window that way I get a bird's eye view of the entire organization chart so far. And let's say, there's a group of people, these three down below, that work together on the research team. All we need to do is show them together in a team frame. We go over to the shapes pane. There it is. Team frame. Click and drag it onto the page in the general location which is going to be over here in the bottom right corner of the page, and…
