From the course: Visio 2016 Essential Training

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Create and adjust the expanded timeline

Create and adjust the expanded timeline

From the course: Visio 2016 Essential Training

Create and adjust the expanded timeline

- On occasion, you may be working on a timeline that gets a little bit overcrowded and in those cases, it may be difficult to zero in on specific details. In fact, there might not be room on your timeline to add any more details. In those instances, you may want to consider adding an Expanded Timeline. This allows you to zero in on a specific area or time interval on your timeline and expand it out to view details or add additional details. That's what we're going to do with our current timeline. If you've been building along with me in this chapter, we're going to zoom out by clicking the button in the bottom right hand corner to Fit Page to Current Window. Now, the next thing that we'll want to do is decide what is the area where we need to zero in to view additional details, maybe add some more. Let's say it's this little area in here and for me, on my timeline, as I look at the dates, and you can zoom back in if you need to... For me, the dates are around the new year, so January,…
