From the course: Visio 2016 Essential Training

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Add employee pictures

Add employee pictures

- Another cool way to make your organization charts even more visually appealing is to add pictures. You'll notice that many of the shapes in Org Charts here include a field for a picture. Check out the Org Chart tab here in the shapes, many of the different shapes include an image. So if we wanted to, we could add a picture by first selecting the shape we want to add the picture to. I'm going to to right to the top, the CEO, that's me, David Rivers. Let's zoom in past 100% here on the slider and scroll up so we can get a good look at what's going on here. When you select the shape, you'll notice with the Org Chart tab selected on the ribbon, there's a picture group here that allows us to insert a picture. We can go to the top half of this button to go browsing for a picture for this one individual shape, but if you're organized, you can click the drop-down and you'll see something here called Multiple Pictures. Now, if the pictures you have are named exactly like the name that…
