From the course: Visio 2016 Essential Training

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Format shape lines

Format shape lines

Just as we can override the shape fills that are applied by the themes we select, we can also override the borders or lines that go around those shapes or the connectors. Maybe the lines going to a call-out, for example. All of those are customizable. That's what we're going to focus on in this movie with our flow chart diagram. Let's zoom in to the call-out area. I'm going to go down to the slider, here, you can follow me down here. Click around the middle to get it around 100%. It doesn't have to be exact. Next, we'll go to the shapes inside the container and you can see they have their own formatting based on the theme we selected but click the first one, then hold down your shift key and click the second one, right next to it, so we can apply formatting to both of these at the same time. Now, this time, what we're going to do is go to the Line drop down, here, on the ribbon with the Home tab selected and we're going to go to line options because that's what's going to open up the…
