From the course: Visio 2016 Essential Training

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Create, remove, and assign to layers

Create, remove, and assign to layers

From the course: Visio 2016 Essential Training

Create, remove, and assign to layers

- If you were following along with me in the previous movie, you now know that adding smart shapes and connectors to your diagrams automatically creates layers in the background. Of course, we can create our own layers and there's many things we can do with those layers. So let's continue with our Pre-Test Process Flow diagram. And so far, we have our title, we have a couple of process shapes and a connector, and if we review the Layers drop-down, and click Layer Properties, we can see that by default, the two process shapes were assigned to a layer called Flowchart and a new layer called Connector was created when we created this connection between these two shapes. There's one object there. Both of the layers are visible. Both can be printed. And you can see both use Snap and Glue settings. So let's click Cancel. And build this out a little bit further. We're going to add a new shape down below the "Take the pre-test process" shape. So just hover over until you see the arrows pop…
