From the course: Visio 2016 Essential Training

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- When you create monthly calendars here in Visio 2016, odds are pretty good you're going to need more than just one month. Here in my calendar titled December 15, I may want calendars for January and February and so on. And we can create them here in this file by adding additional pages. There are two options that we're going to explore. We'll go down to the bottom left corner where we see that our only page is titled Page 1. Let's double-click first to relabel this. Type in December, the short form. I'm going to type in 15. Press enter. There we go. Now, if we want January, we don't really want to copy this calendar because it has a number of things on it. We have an appointment, a multi-day event, some markers. So instead, we'll create a new page by clicking the plus sign down here. We'll go over to our calendar shapes and drag another monthly calendar shape here. Try and get it centered vertically and horizontally, so when we see both of those guides appear, release. And now we…
