From the course: Visio 2016 Essential Training

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Add and configure a timeline shape

Add and configure a timeline shape

From the course: Visio 2016 Essential Training

Add and configure a timeline shape

- Well It's time now to shift our focus to another type of diagram we can create here in Visio 2016. It's going to be one that will allow us to track things that happen over a period of time, we'll have start and end dates, maybe milestones, perhaps we're tracking progress on a project. We can do all of that by using a "Timeline" diagram. So you can close up anything you might have open on your screen, and you'll arrive at a blank screen like me, and then we'll go up to the "File" tab, click there, and we're going to create a brand new diagram, so with "New" selected, let's go to the "Categories" link, give that a click, and now we'll go down to the "Schedule" category. And it's from here where we find "Timeline." Give that a click. Now, with Timeline selected, we get to choose our units of measure, US or Metric, in this case it's not going to make much of a difference, because we're measuring time. We'll click "Create" with "US Units" selected. So the first thing that happens is we…
