From the course: Visio 2016 Essential Training

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Add a title and other information

Add a title and other information

From the course: Visio 2016 Essential Training

Add a title and other information

- [Voiceover] Once you've completed your floor plan it may be time now to start adding labels. Maybe you need a title, maybe page numbering or perhaps you'd like to label some of the areas in your floor plan. That's what we're going to do in this movie. As you can see, I've finished up the different offices they all look the same, and I've added some items here to our main area, like a reception desk, a wall, and a meeting table in the background. Let's say this is our executive floor or at least one of our executive floors. We want to title it as such, maybe add some additional information. Well, let's start by going up to the Insert tab and adding a text box. We can click right at the top and let's click down here, in front of the reception desk just click and drag across and down and that zooms us in, so we can start typing. Let's go to the Home tab first, though to see that what we're typing is using 12 points. I'm going to bump that up by clicking the increase font size button up…
