From the course: Visio 2016 Essential Training


- [Voiceover] Hi, and welcome to Visio 2016 Essential Training. I'm David Rivers. This course is designed to teach you many of the basic to intermediate features and functions of Microsoft's diagramming and vector graphics application. We'll begin by getting you comfortable in the Visio environment, exploring the various parts of the user interface, and using navigation techniques when working with Visio files, before we move onto creating your own basic diagram. We'll explore ways to make your diagrams look attractive with formatting, themes, and a variety of different elements. And then we'll investigate the different options you have for sharing your final masterpieces. There are all kinds of diagrams you can create with Visio, from org charts to flowcharts, and brainstorming diagrams to timelines. We'll be spending some quality time together creating these and more. So let's get started with Visio 2016 Essential Training.
