From the course: Visio 2016 Essential Training

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Expand and collapse reporting structure views

Expand and collapse reporting structure views

From the course: Visio 2016 Essential Training

Expand and collapse reporting structure views

- When working with an organization chart here in Visio 2016 and deciding to take certain shapes and their subordinates and place synchronized copies on their own page as we did in the previous movie, get a nice clean top level here and we see the little icons in the bottom right corner of each shape indicating that we're hiding their subordinates, which actually appear on these pages across the bottom. Notice the page labeling is automatically a number. Page two, that's Sally. Page three, we can see Simon. Page four, and that's Jason, and so on. Page five is the vacant position. Well, maybe we should relabel these so they're a little bit easier to move around. Let's go to page one. Double click it and type in Top Level. Now, double click page two and instead of typing in Sally Kerner, because the CFO position could be changed up at any time, we'll just type in CFO. And we'll do the same with page three now. Double click it, type in COO. Double click page four, CTO. And page five…
