From the course: Visio 2016 Essential Training

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Add furniture

Add furniture

- When working with floor plans, one great way to get a feel for the space you're working with is to add elements to that space. Because we're working on and off this environment here, we might want to add things like furniture, office equipment, even accessories. That's what we're going to do with our floor plan here. Let's zoom in to this office in the top left corner. And start building up some of the contents. Hold down Control and Shift and you can click and drag a marquee selection across that corner to zoom in. All right, I'm just going to scroll it over a little bit. Notice I also have my Shape Data window still open from the previous movie. If you're not seeing it, just go up to the Data tab and make sure it's checked off here, because it's going to come in handy when we work on the dimensions of the objects we're about to add. Going over here to the Shapes pane, we're not actually going to see anything that would allow us to add furniture or office equipment, not by default.…
