From the course: Visio 2016 Essential Training

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Customize the calendar

Customize the calendar

- Here in Visio 2016, when creating calendars like the one we've been building in this chapter, there are a number of different markers or graphical elements that can be added to your calendar to signify different things that might be happening in your calendar. We're going to explore some of those and talk a little bit about formatting. Let's start by zooming in to around 100%. Let's say, for our vacation here, we want to add some suns to indicate that we're going somewhere warm. Well, first, let's make some room. We'll click the actual vacation, multi-day event that we added in the previous movie, and with the four-sided arrow, we can click and drag this down. Once we try to move over to the left, it changes the start and end dates. So we want to keep the dates the same and just move it down a little bit. So we can now add the suns to the different days. Alright, let's go over here to our shapes. And as we scroll down, do we see anything related to-- ah, there it is. Sunny. We can…
