From the course: Visio 2016 Essential Training

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Get started and tour the UI

Get started and tour the UI

- Well, it's now time to launch Visio and get you comfortable in your surroundings by taking a quick tour of the user interface. So, if you're following along, go ahead and launch Visio 2016. You'll be presented with a start screen similar to what I see here on my screen. For example, on the left-hand side, if you've used Visio before, you're going to see a list of the drawings you've worked with recently, so you can go back to them quickly. If you're like me and it's your first time, there won't be anything here until you start creating drawings. Now, if you want to open up something that exists elsewhere, other than the Recent list, you can go to Open Other Drawings. This allows you to browse your hard drive, network drives, the Cloud if you're using One Drive, for example, to open up existing drawings that have already been created. But if you want to create something new, you go to the right side of the screen, and here's where we see a list of templates, beginning with Featured…
