From the course: Visio 2016 Essential Training

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Define alternate layouts for subordinates

Define alternate layouts for subordinates

From the course: Visio 2016 Essential Training

Define alternate layouts for subordinates

- As we've been building up our organization chart in this chapter, we've seen the shapes that get added, placed, and connected, and spaced accordingly using what we would call a default layout. So initially, when we added our first set of shapes things were going horizontally. Then we started adding subordinates to our chief positions and they started lining up vertically. This is all part of the default layout, but, you have full control over the layout. We're going to explore some of those now. Let's start by looking at one option and that is to manually adjust things. Let's stretch these out a little bit, spread them out. Let's go to our COO position here. With it selected we can click and drag it to the left. We can drag the CTO position out to the right until we see the spacing guides show up. Notice that the subordinates move around with them so things are spaced out a little easier to look at. At any time, though, we can make use of some shortcut tools. Under the Org Chart…
