From the course: Visio 2016 Essential Training

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Add other sub-shapes

Add other sub-shapes

- Well, so far in this chapter, we have our top position added to our Org chart and some subordinate shapes, and managers reporting to the CEO, and you get a feel for the default layout that's happening so far. The layout that we see in front of us is the default and of course, can be changed, but for now, let's add some additional direct reports to our chief operations officer, chief financial officer, and our chief technology officer. Of course, that means going to the left hand side, to the Shapes pane, and simply dragging out shapes and placing them on top of those superior shapes. So, we'll go to the Position Belt, click and drag it on top of the COO position, release, and you can see what's happening. Get another feel for the default layout. It's going directly below and slightly over to the right. It is automatically connected, that's good. Let's say there's two positions reporting to the COO. We'll drag another one on top and it's going vertically down the page. Alright, let's…
