From the course: Visio 2016 Essential Training

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Insert text-related objects

Insert text-related objects

- Once you've added shapes to a drawing and connected them, laid them out the way you want, it's time to start adding other components to your drawing, such as text. That's what we're going to focus on in this movie, adding text to our shapes, but also to the page itself. We're gonna start by adding labels to each of these shapes, and we do that by double-clicking the shape. Let's go to the very first shape, the Start/End shape here on the left, and double-click. It gets us inside, also zooms us in so we can better see what we're typing. We're going to type in the word "Start", with a capital "S". Now we don't want to press enter here, that's going to give us an extra line of text. All we need to do is click in the background, it's locked in, and we're zoomed back out to get a bird's-eye view. Looks pretty good. Let's go to the next shape, the first step in the process, a Process shape, we'll double-click it, again we're zoomed back in. How about the first step is to "Receive the…
