From the course: Visio 2016 Essential Training

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Add dialog elements and other controls

Add dialog elements and other controls

From the course: Visio 2016 Essential Training

Add dialog elements and other controls

- Well, now that we've created our first part of our wire-frame diagram, which is the Dialog form we added in the previous movie. It's a container and that means we can start placing things inside the container and if we have too many thing to fit in the container, it will automatically grow and expand to accommodate us. Let's check it out. We'll start by zooming in to the top of our wire-frame diagram. Hold down ctrl + shift and click and drag across and down to cover the top part of our Dialog. Let's say we wanted to add some Drop downs that would allow people to choose a printer and presets from this Dialog box. Well, the first thing we might want to do is bring in a guide that's going to help us line things up. Let's go to the left-hand ruler. When you see the double arrow, right on the edge there, click and drag it over and let's say we want the right edge of our Drop downs to come out to around 6 3/4 inches on the ruler. There we go. Now, all we have to do is go and find it…
