From the course: Visio 2016 Essential Training

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Reorder team members

Reorder team members

- The shapes we use in an organization chart, like the one we've been working with in this chapter are SmartShapes. That means there's a certain level of intelligence built in. We're going to see that as we start to rearrange some of our shapes. We'll continue working with this Org Chart, OrgChart0905 if you're catching up. Let's zoom in to around 100% so we can really see our chief positions of COO, CFO, and CTO. I'll just scroll down a little bit because we might want to add some additional data to these shapes down below our COO and CFO, so we can see what happens when we start moving things around. Let's do it in a different way. This time we'll go down to the shape below Simon Lodine, the COO. Instead, we want to look at the shape data. Let's go to the Data tab. And from here we'll select Shape Data Window to turn it on. You can see what's happening here. We can add Department, phone number, Name, Title, and Email to a shape here in an Org Chart. All we need really is the name…
