From the course: Video Green Screen Workflows (2017)

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Recording green screen in-camera

Recording green screen in-camera

- Now that the backdrop is set and lit, we're ready to go ahead and start recording. And to do this, we'll begin with a standard sort of workflow, recording directly in camera. Now, recording in camera is a pretty straightforward setup, however it does mean that you are subject to the limitations of your camera. In our next movie, we'll explore some of the effects of compression and what you need to keep an eye out for. But there are settings you need to be mindful of, even if you're recording on a high quality camera. So, what sort of things matter? Well, first off, think about your resolution. I'm shooting on a high definition camera here, so I'm going to take advantage of the largest quality it offers, in this case 1080. This is going to insure that I have a little extra room if I deliver at 720. Maybe I'm producing a web video series and by shooting this way, I can further punch in a pull out a second shot from the same angle. Additionally you have to think about your frame rate…
