From the course: Video Green Screen Workflows (2017)

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Building an After Effects composition

Building an After Effects composition

From the course: Video Green Screen Workflows (2017)

Building an After Effects composition

- Once you have footage in After Effects, you can begin to create compositions. A composition is much like a sequence. Typically though, a composition will have one shot in it. Then, you can start to bring in other layers for footage, such as the background, or adding effects to adjustment layers. Let's get a composition set up for each layer. You can continue working with the previous project that you built or open up the one that I started. Twirl down the Footage bin and select the four clips. If you right click, you can choose New Comp from Selection. What I'd like you to do is make multiple compositions, so each shot is put into its own composition. And click OK. You'll see that four new compositions are made. Drag those onto the new folder icon to keep them organized, and we can call this folder Comps. Now, simply drag it out of the nest so it exists on its own. You can twirl up Footage and then twirl down Comps. Double clicking on a comp will load it. This particular one uses…
