From the course: Video Green Screen Workflows (2017)

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Using a studio recorder for green screen

Using a studio recorder for green screen

From the course: Video Green Screen Workflows (2017)

Using a studio recorder for green screen

- If you find yourself working in a studio environment or you're always recording in the same location, you can actually install a larger version of a disk recorder. These are great because they can offer additional features that the smaller field units can't. For example, you can actually have two disks recording. Meaning that if one drive were to fail, the second disk is a backup. This also means that essentially your footage is automatically backed up at the end of the shoot. These larger units also tend to have the scopes built right in. So, you may be able to set one screen to the necessary tools, like the waveform monitor or vectorscopes. So, you can judge things about the color and the exposure. Some of these larger units will also offer other features, like the ability to be rack-mounted for safety, so you don't have to worry about a piece of equipment that can get knocked over on set. It works out pretty well here that you've got a lot of flexibility with these units. Now…
