From the course: Video Green Screen Workflows (2017)

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The impact of compression on green screen

The impact of compression on green screen

From the course: Video Green Screen Workflows (2017)

The impact of compression on green screen

- When shooting chroma key, there are two types of compression you need to be particularly careful about. Color compression and actual file compression. Now, let's explore each of those. When it comes to color compression, you might have heard numbers like 422 or 420. In this case it's the sampling of the colors. What's the ratio, essentially, of red to green, to blue? Or luminance and chrominance, it depends on the types of record format, but in any case, what tends to happen is you are losing some of the color information. Now, you have control over this. If you record internally into the camera, chances are it's going to be more compressed from a color point of view. You're going to have less opportunities to capture all of the color information, and you'll see less information as you view individual channels. One of the reasons why we favor green screen is that it's the least compressed channel of color. This means that greens tend to come through pretty well. On the other hand…
