From the course: Video Green Screen Workflows (2017)

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Ingesting media into After Effects

Ingesting media into After Effects

- Adobe After Effects is a wonderful tool for compositing and keying. It has a robust set of effects, as well as many great options, like digital lights, and color grading tools. So you can pull all the pieces together for believable composites. Let's start by bringing in some footage. We've already talked about Premiere Pro, and if you had Premiere Pro running, you can simply copy something from the Project panel, and paste it into After Effects. But, you'll also see that After Effects has the same media browser as Premiere Pro. This will make it simple for you to navigate to an attached drive. I've already downloaded some files to my desktop. So I'll simply navigate there. And go into the exercise files for keying. Let's go to the Native footage here. And you see it opens. That same media browser lets you view the P2 files if you'd like. So you can simply drag that into your project, and in this case, the MXF file from the P2 card comes in. Or, you can click on the View icon here to…
