From the course: Video Green Screen Workflows (2017)

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Transcoding video for green screen

Transcoding video for green screen

- If you decide to transcode, that's pretty easy. You can use dedicated third-party apps, or take advantage of your nonlinear editor. We'll explore Final Cut Pro X a little later, but let me show you the option in Premiere Pro. I'll go to my media browser and maximize that window by pressing the accent grave. Let's select a couple of clips and check the box for ingest. Now it will transcode. To control those settings, click the wrench icon, and you'll see the option here. There are a lot of different codecs available, including Apple ProRes if you're on a Mac. You can only create ProRes on a Mac, but read it on Mac or Windows. The GoPro CineForm codec is quite good here, and I'm going to use the 12-bit option for both the color and the detail. Looks good. If you want to, you can use more ingest presets from Adobe Media Encoder. Just go over there and create a preset for the format that you want. I'll now click OK, and when I right click and import these files, they're going to…
