From the course: Video Green Screen Workflows (2017)

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Using a fabric backdrop

Using a fabric backdrop

- We're on set just about ready to go. We've got Angela here today, and we're going to be shooting her against different green screen backdrops, so you can get familiar with some of the pros and cons. To start things out, we've gone with a really classic backdrop. Right now, we're going to be using a fabric backdrop, and this is what most people use when keying. The benefits of a fabric backdrop is it's affordable. It's also very easy to store and transport. Typically, you can fold these up or put them away in a bag or store them easily on a shelf. The challenge with it though is how you store it. If you just stuff it into a bag or don't fold it neatly, you can end up with some really heavy wrinkles in the green screen, which causes problems. Now, what we've done here is we've hung the green screen backdrop. You'll notice that it extends well above her head, so whether she's sitting or standing, we'll have plenty of throw. It also goes all the way down to the ground and has a little…
