From the course: Video Green Screen Workflows (2017)

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Positioning the background with Free Transform

Positioning the background with Free Transform

From the course: Video Green Screen Workflows (2017)

Positioning the background with Free Transform

- Let's talk about cropping and positioning a photo so it looks better for keying. I'm going to open up these two elements here, and this gives me the relative idea. Here we have a subject placed, and we focused on him to really understand the depth of field and possible composition. And here's the clean plate without our stand in subject. Now, I've already put together a sample key. One thing you can do if working in After Effects, is easily export a reference key. Let me open this up here. And what I've done is a simple key. Using After Effects, I've invoked a chroma key. You'll learn more about keying in After Effects in just a moment, but I want to show you how you can create a Photoshop document for reference. If the clip registers as offline, just double click and navigate to the folder. It'll be here in reference key, and I can select the footage and reconnect. There we go. I've already keyed the footage here, and the recipe's done. If you view this over transparency, you'll…
