From the course: Video Green Screen Workflows (2017)

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Using a Reflecmedia backdrop

Using a Reflecmedia backdrop

- I've moved on to a specialty type of green screen background or as you see here, blue screen background. We're using a fabric called reflecmedia. Now what this does, is give you the ability to use an LED ring. Something like this, and it actually emits a certain frequency of light that then hits this fiber optic background and spreads the light through it. Let me show you what this looks like. So right now, we have a ring on the front of the camera. Currently a blue ring. And you see it's not putting out that much light, especially considering how far away we are from the backdrop itself. I'll place that on there. Is that okay for your eyes? - Yes. - Okay I can adjust the intensity of that light, all the way off, to all the up. One thing that's important is that the background is not too bright. If you push the green screen or blue screen too far, it's possible that it's over-exposed. Let's back that off a little bit. Looking at my waveform monitor there, it's going to around 50…
