From the course: Video Green Screen Workflows (2017)

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Acquisition strategies for background plates

Acquisition strategies for background plates

From the course: Video Green Screen Workflows (2017)

Acquisition strategies for background plates

- I'm constantly on the hunt for a good background. Whether it's going to be used in a motion graphics project or a green screen project. And chances are you're walkin' around with a smartphone in your pocket, which makes it easy to acquire some great photos. Not only can this camera be used to capture still photos, but it can capture high-dynamic range, particularly with great third party apps. You can also capture panoramic photos, or even spherical panoramic photos with a wide range of apps. To learn more about panoramic photography we actually have a course available in the online library, that discusses how panoramic photos can be combined for motion graphics projects. And in there, you'll learn a lot about using virtual reality or interactive backgrounds that make for great overall composites and a lot of flexibility. So you can dig a little bit deeper into that course if you want. Plus, that mobile camera can also shoot video. Now you're going to want to stabilize the camera…
