From the course: Video Green Screen Workflows (2017)

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Matching color and exposure for video in After Effects

Matching color and exposure for video in After Effects

From the course: Video Green Screen Workflows (2017)

Matching color and exposure for video in After Effects

- One you start putting foreground and background together it's time to make them feel like they match, and there's a couple of ways of doing this. Let me show you some different techniques including built in tools and a third party tool. I'm going to work with this first one here, and looking at this, it's clear that a little bit of color correction will go a long way. Let's adjust the scale of the background there, get a little more of the blue sky in, and I'll hit p for position, to just adjust the mountain range a little bit, so it's not going right through his head. That looks good. Now, with the top layer selected, I could apply the Lumetri effect, you'll find it under Effect, Color Correction, Lumetri Color. This has the same controls that you're used to in Premiere Pro, if you've worked that way. For example, I can easily adjust the exposure of the foreground clip. That looks a little bit better there, we'll just take that down just slightly. A tenth underexposed is helping…
