From the course: Video Green Screen Workflows (2017)

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Matching color and exposure for the photo

Matching color and exposure for the photo

From the course: Video Green Screen Workflows (2017)

Matching color and exposure for the photo

- As you start to combine one background with your green screen footage, you may need to do some adjustment so that the colors feel like they match. Some people choose to do this in their video editing tool, but I wanted to show you a couple of things you can do in advance. Let's open up two different background images here. You see we have a desert and a brick wall in a European city. I'm going to reopen that reference key, that still image that we had earlier. And let's drag those layers over. Here we go. And I'll hold down the shift key when I drop it. Let's just take the foreground layer there. You'll see I cloned out the shadow of the street sign. And drop that in. There we go. And we'll put those behind. Now, we need to do a little bit of adjustment. In this case, her skin tones are a little warmer. Now, I can decide in the chroma key program, to adjust her skin to match the background, or perhaps I like this look but want to change the feeling back here. Well, with this layer…
