From the course: Video Green Screen Workflows (2017)

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Choosing your lighting instruments for green screen

Choosing your lighting instruments for green screen

From the course: Video Green Screen Workflows (2017)

Choosing your lighting instruments for green screen

- Now that we've got the background chosen, we're going to move onset and get lit, so we can actually start the process of shooting green screen. And to do this, I'm joined by an old colleague and a professional, Chris Corman is here with us today. And Chris is a gaffer as well as a professional photographer. Chris, thanks for coming. - Course, pleasure. - Give folks just a little bit of a background. What does a gaffer do? - So a gaffer is essentially a lighting director in film parlance. On a live studio set, you would talk about a lighting director. But on a feature film set or tv set or even a corporate video set, you're talking about having a gaffer. - And today we're going to get his insight on what it takes to get professionally lit green screen. So even if you're on a tight budget, you'll be able to employ some of these better techniques. To start, I just want to walk through some of the different approaches to lighting. We've got a backdrop up here. Chris, what are some of…
