From the course: Video Green Screen Workflows (2017)

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Rendering keying shots in After Effects

Rendering keying shots in After Effects

From the course: Video Green Screen Workflows (2017)

Rendering keying shots in After Effects

- When you're happy with your work in After Effects, it's time to render and export. With Premiere Pro, you can bring in the composition directly, like a footage clip, if you choose to. Or, you can simply render out video. Every other application is going to want a video file. Let me give you the overview of rendering. To render, select the comps that you want to process, and choose composition, add to render queue. You can do the same for any other comps that you want to process. Let's choose this one here, composition, add to render queue, I'll close it, grab the last one, composition add to render queue, and I'll close it to free up some memory. Let's go ahead and mouse over the render queue here, and press the accent grave or tilde key to maximize it. You'll notice that everything is loaded in by default. It's normally going to be set to best settings. That's the default for the system. But you can click on that to access controls. Typically, I'll go with best and full quality…
