From the course: Video Green Screen Workflows (2017)

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Working with transparency and 3D space

Working with transparency and 3D space

From the course: Video Green Screen Workflows (2017)

Working with transparency and 3D space

- Let's explore cutting a photo up into layers. In doing so, we can easily then take it into a program like After Effects and extrude it. This will create a bit of a virtual environment. I'll go to folder 7.2, and there are two files here: Desert and 3D Desert. Open them both. You'll notice in 3D Desert, things have been cut into pieces. There's the sky, the mountains, and the green cactus in the foreground. Well, let's explore cutting this up into layers. I'll switch on over to the Desert file and begin by duplicating the background. This way I have a reference, and I'm going to ultimately need three copies. Let's call this Sky; duplicate it again. We'll call it Mountain; and once more, Cacti, the plural of cactus. Now we can start to split things up. For the sky it's pretty simple. Let's just sample the blue here, so we have it; and then I'll use the clone stamp tool, "s" for clone stamp, and simply option or alt click to set a source point. You can get a bigger brush using your…
