From the course: Outlook: Efficient Email Management

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- [Gini] I've just returned from a few days out of the office, and I'm checking to see what I'll be facing when I go in tomorrow morning. I'm immediately immersed in a series of conversations that have already started. Some of them started before I left last week. Some of them started while I was gone. Some of them may be finished. Some might need my attention. Now one thing I could do is start at the top of my inbox and open each message and try to discern what has previously been done in each of these conversations, sort of skipping from my first message from Fara to another message from Fara, and then doing the same with each of my conversations. That's a better strategy than if I were to start with last Thursday when I left because if I begin with the oldest emails, the chances are good that if there's more than one person in the email, that the conversation has continued since that first email. So I might waste my…
