From the course: Outlook: Efficient Email Management

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Tweak Outlook search options

Tweak Outlook search options

- [Instructor] There are settings that control how search works. And I'd like you to know where they are in case you need to adjust them. And I have a couple of specific instances where you will want to be able to adjust them. To get to these settings, we're going to go to File, drop down in the left hand pane to Options, and then in the left navigation of the Outlook Options dialogue box, click on Search. The first item at the top is where Outlook is looking. And you will rarely need to change this. But it's looking in Outlook. It's looking in all of these index locations for me. What you will usually need to change are the options that are here in Results. First, Results, by default, only include results only from the folder I'm in, with the possibility, though, that when I'm in the inbox, it's going to search the entire mailbox. So the second option is our default in Outlook, which is, if I want to search every place…
