From the course: Outlook: Efficient Email Management

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Use rules to create a simple workflow

Use rules to create a simple workflow

From the course: Outlook: Efficient Email Management

Use rules to create a simple workflow

- [Instructor] With quick steps, a user always has to take the initiative, but with rules you can create them, turn them loose, and allow them to run on their own. And that makes them ideal for creating small workflows. Here's a scenario. We have a webpage form that allows users to make an inquiry about either solar energy or wind. Based on the user's choices, the subject of the message that is received is either solar inquiry or wind inquiry. There are several people who are responsible for reviewing and responding to these inquiries, but right now I'm the recipient. As these messages arrive, I don't want to review them, I don't want to read them. I want to automatically move them to the appropriate folder. I simply want this to happen. We begin first by creating two folders to receive these two different types of messages, solar inquiry and wind inquiry. And then we create a new rule. Now something is always…
