From the course: Outlook: Efficient Email Management

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Use a built-in Quick Step

Use a built-in Quick Step

- [Instructor] There's another tool that was built expressly for email processing. It's not available in the calendar or tasks. It's only available here in your inbox. And it's called Quick Steps. Quick Steps are like a macro that you might record in Word or Excel, and like most macros, Quick Steps require human intervention. Quick Steps require you to fire them up. Let me show you where they've hidden them away at. If you click the more button, and slide down, you'll find Quick Steps hanging out here on the extended menu. This seems like a long way away from where I would like them to be. So I'm going to right-click, and add Quick Steps to the quick access toolbar. If it wasn't visible before it's visible now. It's right here at the top of my information viewer, and this works well for me. I don't give up a lot of desktop space to add this quick access toolbar to my user interface. And there are other…
