From the course: Outlook: Efficient Email Management

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Use conditional formatting to highlight important messages

Use conditional formatting to highlight important messages

From the course: Outlook: Efficient Email Management

Use conditional formatting to highlight important messages

- [Instructor] In older versions of Outlook, you had the choice to click a button and organize messages by color. If you wonder where that feature has gone, it still exists but it is now called conditional formatting and it is in advanced view setting. The first thing I want to do is choose the view where I want to add conditional formatting. I'm going to choose the view that I use most frequently, which is called single and I'm actually going to take a moment and I'm going to make sure that I have reset that view to its original state because I had applied some sorting and filtering. Apply view. There it is. So I'm going to mark a couple of messages as unread that will become important in a moment. My messages from Theresa and from Leslie, I'm going to mark them as unread because I visually want to know what read messages look like and unread messages look like. Now with my chosen view applied I'm going to drop down to…
