From the course: Outlook: Efficient Email Management

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Apply a retention label to a message or folder

Apply a retention label to a message or folder

From the course: Outlook: Efficient Email Management

Apply a retention label to a message or folder

- [Instructor] To assign a particular retention label to a message, simply select the message and click the assigned policy dropdown and choose how long that message needs to stay before it can be deleted. The biggest reason people use retention policies is to make sure that you are complying with regulatory requirements or your organization's requirements. So if your company says that if you have a message of a particular type, you must keep it for at least a year, then you would choose a one year delete retention policy and that retention policy and the date that it expires, in other words, the first date this message could be deleted, appear at the top of the message. More typically you're going to assign retention policies to an entire folder. Perhaps your organization doesn't allow you to delete any messages that come from customers. You could then have a customer's folder and put your customer messages in there…
