From the course: Outlook: Efficient Email Management

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Find Outlook messages with Instant Search

Find Outlook messages with Instant Search

From the course: Outlook: Efficient Email Management

Find Outlook messages with Instant Search

- [Instructor] The average knowledge worker in the United States spends 90 minutes every week searching for stuff, including stuff that's in their email. This is your chance to improve on that average. Imagine for a moment that you need to find an important message. You received in Outlook, you know it's here somewhere. Whatever information you have is going to help you find it. Maybe you remember the name of the sender, or their email address, or a word or some phrases in the message. Regardless of what you know, resist the urge to start browsing. Don't start scrolling, looking for things, because that's how you rack up that 90 minutes. Instead, click right up here in the search bar at the top, this is called Instant Search. And because I'm in my inbox, Instant Search is automatically set to search the entire current mailbox, everything, messages that I've sent, messages that I've received. Now, I want to contrast that…
