From the course: Outlook: Efficient Email Management

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Add a column to a view

Add a column to a view

- [Instructor] The built in Outlook views, display information about the message sender, message subject, when the message was received, how large it is, as well as icons for attachments, importance, categories, and flag status. When I switch from one view to another, switching here from preview to single, I'm really choosing between arrangements of these stock pieces of information. However, Outlook is capturing data for a number of other fields. And, that means that I can display that information and I might choose to. For example, I might want to see not only who a message was from, but who was copied on the message, or if anyone was. In this view, I can simply drop down into the header, right click, and choose field chooser. Or, if I prefer, I can display the slightly larger ribbon and that will let me choose add columns button here, which will show me the columns that are possible for me to use. So two…
