From the course: Outlook: Efficient Email Management

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Set options for the Reading Pane

Set options for the Reading Pane

- [Instructor] You have choices about how the reading pane operates. The way I have my option set right now if I have the reading pane open, and I hit the space bar, it actually scrolls me one page at a time through the message I'm reading. And then when it gets to the bottom of that message, the next time I hit the space bar, it will take me into the next message. It does not currently mark the message I just left as read, but I could have it do that as well. Let me show you where these options are. Choose layout, reading pane, and then on the sub menu choose options. So the first two options, you can choose one of them, none of them, but not both of them. So the first option says, if something's in the reading pane, wait X number of seconds before marking the item as read. So with the correct number of seconds set, this can be a good option if your review process doesn't get frequently interrupted…
