From the course: Outlook: Efficient Email Management

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Follow up on a message

Follow up on a message

- [Instructor] Earlier in the course, I commented that I know some people who mark items as unread as a way of remembering that they need to do something more with it. And I told you that's really not how Outlook is designed. Let me show you how Outlook is designed. If I want to take action on an email later, there are two or three things I can do with it. One, pretty straight up, is just to flag it. If I know that I need to reply to Holly and I intend to do that next week, with Holly's message selected, I'm going to click the flag button and choose next week. Now, in my Outlook Calendar, I am set up as a person who works Monday through Friday. So next week means that the due date just became next Friday. If I would like to flag this email instead for an earlier time, I can choose a different flag like custom, and custom would let me choose a specific day. I can say I'd like to start on Monday but I really want to be…
