From the course: Outlook: Efficient Email Management

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Use Advanced Find to locate messages

Use Advanced Find to locate messages

From the course: Outlook: Efficient Email Management

Use Advanced Find to locate messages

- [Narrator] 99% of the time, instant search is exactly what I need, but occasionally I want to search for something and instant search doesn't give me quite the level of specificity I'd like. And it's worth knowing that there's another search tool that you can use. If you click in the search box and drop down under suggested actions, search tools, you can choose advanced find. And advanced find is a criteria-based find. Unlike instant search where your results will appear here in the information viewer, with advanced find your results will appear right here in this dialogue box. So how does this work? First, you can choose what types of things you'd like to search. So if you knew that you wanted to search through just your contacts or just your messages or tasks, you can do that. You can also search all types of Outlook item which is any type of Outlook item means. If you choose messages, it will then let you…
