From the course: Outlook: Efficient Email Management

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Move or copy messages

Move or copy messages

- [Instructor] We have two manual methods, so to speak, that we use to move messages from one folder to another in Outlook. For example, this email from Leslie is about the onboarding project. And if I want to move this message to the onboarding project folder, I simply hold my mouse button down, drag and drop it. And there it is. Now, if I want to undo that, I can undo that with Control Z, and it's back. But note that this message is unread. And when I drag it and drop it in onboarding project, onboarding project shows one more unread message in the inbox, shows one fewer unread message. That is the way most messages are moved in Outlook. You can use multi-select just as you would in a document folder. I can select one item, hold Control and select another and another, or for consecutive items, I can select the first item, hold Shift and select the last item I want to select. And then I can just drag and drop…
