From the course: Outlook: Efficient Email Management

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Save a view in Outlook

Save a view in Outlook

- [Instructor] In the last movie, we added filter conditions to create this view. This view is filtered for has attachments and that it is from Microsoft and you can actually read that information right up here in the instant search box. And in fact, if you're a person who would prefer typing to clicking, I could have typed this entire filter in the instant search box. But now I'd like to save this. I could make other changes first if I wish, but this is exactly the view that I want to be able to swing into once a month before I get ready to process the bills that have come in from Microsoft for our IT department. So let's go to the view tab, click Change View and slide down to Save Current View As a New View. Because I built this view by modifying the single view, it offers an option of copy of single and that's fine, but I'm actually going to call this Microsoft with Attachments. And then I have three options. The…
