From the course: Outlook: Efficient Email Management

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Filter a view in Outlook

Filter a view in Outlook

- [Instructor] As we noted previously, there are powerful filters that are baked into the home tab of the ribbon. Just look for the funnel icon, click, and you get a list of all of the criteria that you can simply filter on in a single click. I'm looking for an email that has an attachment. I might as well start by filtering for has attachments. In Outlook, searching and filtering are really the same thing. When we apply filters to our inbox, Outlook is filtering using the instant search box here. And in this particular instance, when we apply to filter, it actually threw us into a search tab right here, which we can close of we wish. Not all filters will turn on the search tab, but all filtering is going to use instant search. So if I'm looking for important messages, just like that, importance high, close search. When we're filtering, we can add multiple criteria. So the first thing we can do is we can choose has…
