From the course: Outlook: Efficient Email Management

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Use Conversation Clean Up

Use Conversation Clean Up

- [Instructor] While we're talking about conversations, there's a feature called conversation cleanup, which allows you to remove messages from your inbox that you no longer need. The way this works is that conversation cleanup reviews the contents of every message in the conversation. And if a message is completely contained within one of the replies, the message is deleted. For example, Leslie sends a message to Theresa and Holly. Theresa replies all, and Theresa's reply all includes Leslie's original message. After that, Holly replies to everyone replying from Theresa's message, which also includes Leslie's message. So what does this mean? Well, it means that Holly's reply all includes all of the messages. Therefore, the original message from Leslie and Theresa's reply are no longer needed. The entire conversation is embedded in that last reply that comes from Holly. This is how we do it. You start by…
