From the course: Wedding Photography: Bridal Portraits

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Setting the tone with a conversational approach

Setting the tone with a conversational approach

From the course: Wedding Photography: Bridal Portraits

Setting the tone with a conversational approach

(SOUND). Let me get on this side. You know, for me before I photograph someone, I always get a little bit nervous and anxious. And one of the things that you can do if that happens to you, is you can channel that. And one of the ways that you can channel that is that you can focus in on how the person that you might be photographing might be nervous or anxious as well. You know when we point a camera at someone, you can, that person can easily become self conscious, and knowing that can really help you kind of focus in on how you can break the ice and make that connection, to sort of get rid of that nervousness or anxiety. When it comes to photographing a bride, this is really, really important. Now there are 3 different scenarios where you might photograph a bride. It might be before the ceremony, or after the ceremony, or perhaps on a different day. Let's talk about those different scenarios, and how you can build rapport and break the ice, and kind of get over that nervousness in…
